Why is the packaging important for your product?

The packaging of a product is the calling card for your brand. Therefore, it must be strategically designed so that customers create an affection and it is an attractive complement to the purchased product.

In addition to being an extremely visual item, it is also responsible for protecting and preserving the product. These properties focus on keeping the consumer's safety and directly interfere in the choice of something during the purchase. Unsurprisingly, among similar products, the consumer prefers the one with the most beautiful, practical and creative packaging.

Segundo o estudo da CNI, 75% das empresas que investiram em design registraram aumento em suas vendas, sendo que 41% também conseguiram reduzir seus custos. Por isso, a Emepê separou duas dicas para utilizar a embalagem como estratégia de vendas. Confira:

Attention to colors - Thinking about the colors to be used is an important step in the development of packaging. Focus on understanding a little about the psychology of colors and make your decision more neat. For example, there are studies that indicate that the color orange and red are associated with food, reflect hunger and awaken the customer's appetite.

Only give small product spoilers - No packaging that shows the whole product. The best thing is to let you see only a part of what is inside the box. Thus, he will be seduced and encouraged to buy the product.

Count on Gráfica Emepê!

We are a reference in packaging creation production. We develop creative, innovative and modern packaging based on your ideas. Talk to our experts to schedule a consultation and produce a product that is attractive and that the consumer feels the need to keep it.

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